Winter is coming. Time to soak up some sun in Tenerife, one of Spanish Canary Islands. Ideal time of the year, off season but still pleasantly warm. 10 days of laziness, volcanoes, forests, light hikes, beach, waves and fish.
Packing gets harder as Baby grows! Now he needs more outfits (messy eater), gear (active athlete) and toys (addicted player). And the more space Baby takes up, the more Mummy and Daddy need to compromise. Soon, we will travel with one spare shirt to share. This time, we are still proud to fit into one 21kg suitcase.
We are renting a car, given there is a lot to see. We chose to stay at one place in the south (where the weather is the best), and explore the island on one-day trips. And there is plenty to see, Tenerife is so much more than just a resort destination.